Yea! It's Adriel's birthday sharp at 1200 hr today. However, we celebrated his birthday along with mine even though it's slightly earlier by two days. At least we can save cost on cakes and I'll be in BJ during that time. It was really great. Daddy took all of us to sunway pyramid to get our birthday gifts. Dad is a practical person, he won't simply buy gifts for us. He enjoys watching us shopping for what we want and likes. heheeee... So we took Adriel to get his shoes in Jusco. Hmmm.. it was a Pallas casual shoes. It was rather cute and suitable for him. Why? :p heheee.. cos it's HEAVY, then he can't be so hyperactive lor. It was my idea but it was chosen by mom and dad. Adriel likes it too. That means I like it too. :) I was thinking of taking photo of it but camera out of battery. oooppsss....
Then, we proceed our journey for my birthday gift. I told dad it's okay that he don't need to get me anything. but he insisted cos he said once a while only k. It's not always daddy buy things for you. Come, I get shoes for you too. Honestly, I got too many pairs of shoes, but dad insisted. So, okay lor. Heheee... We went to Jusco, couldn't find the right size. I like the white heels so much. Oh well, my feet was too big for the shoes. So I couldn't get it lor. So we walked till we reached a shop named Padini Concept Store. Ah huh, a person like me who never go to big complexes to shop for shoes one. All I get are from small shoes shop or BATA, Buy And Throw Away. hahahaa XD old lame jokes! I didn't really like those heels at first. For two reason, it wasn't comfortable and expensive. I am well-known over my stingy-ness. Hahahaaa.. It's God's money and not my money so I am accountable over the things that I spent. Then, daddy has a good taste and he saw a heels which quite suits me. He said it looks nice on me. So I tried and tried to wear it. I couldn't. Then, one of the promoter who is a GUY tied the string of the shoes for me. One moment, I felt like Cinderella but I was too shy to look up so I just allow him. Dad was there looking and I guess he didn't mind. I think I took quite long till the promoter tired of serving me. Am just too fussy. :p But finally I got it. Hmmm... with 10% discount. It wasn't really bad tho. That was my birthday-shopping day. Then, we get our birthday cake lor! That's the most important thing to end everything well. Heheheeee... And Koh koh gave me an Olympus digital camera. I have been wanting it so much. Even though I paid half of it, I am still happy!!! *hugs* Thanks, Koh! Thanks, Kay Teck for the advanced gift. I like it so much. :)

ADRI-RACH-EL Birthday Cake
Till then. Heavenly Father, I wanna thank you for loving me so much these years. Thank you for guiding my paths and making my paths straight. No matter what has happened or occured in my life, You have taught me so much. Even to the deepest sadest pit of my life, You saved me up from the pit. I have been going through so much but I will continue to go through it no matter how hard or tough. Cos I know it'll be according to Your will. Daddy asked me how is that I can still be strong even though so many times I have been hurt and disappointed? Simple, all by God's grace. He has carried me through all circumstances. I may cry more than a thousand times, but Jesus has cry more agony than I do. Daddy and mommy said that they will always support and encourage me. I have learnt the best part of life that is to be my parent's pet or friend. Now I that I know I can share with them anything from A to Z cos I know they understands me more than anyone else. I am also glad they know everything! I am so relieved... Thank you, Jesus for the courage You've given me. There's no such thing as generation gaps, teens. You just got to make something good out of it. This 22th birthday of mine is memorable and allows me to step out with greater spiritual maturity. The greatest birthday gift of all is God's First Love for me and I just wanna keep loving Him. I have nothing more to complain or ask. His saving grace is sufficient for me. :)) Thank you, God and everybody~
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