Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Life in IMU
Monday, July 7, 2008
My Grandparents
Both my grandparents are rather funny. Their voices are loud till you can hear them from a far distant. Wow... Never underestimate elderly people. They can be more energetic than any other younger age people. Hahaha... My grandma cooked dinner for my family.. Ha. Though I was having headache and no appetite to swallow anything in, well her food that she cooked did enter into my stomach. Simple dishes but it's the love that she poured out that makes me contented. I didn't complain, I just eat! Hehehe... Why headache? Car sick lor. I can't sit in the car for long.. It makes me feel giddy and about to faint. ( a bit lar)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Mixed Feelings
Time to study and study. I'm not sure whether I can handle pressure well. Usually, I'll get mixed up and not knowing what's happening to me. As I move to the next phase of my life, I felt everything is tumbling towards me. It's so heavy....
Rachel!!! Rise Up..
I guess I should make myself sane back! Later!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I'm Blessed
One day, I was in the midst to enroll myself either in public university or pursue my dreams in private university. I applied for Nursing in public university, USM knowing that my grades isn't enough to full the requirement.... Well, no harm trying actually since there is 8 choices for me to make. I also applied into IMU at the same time. My dad said if you don't try, you wouldn't know the outcome and you might regret one day if you didn't take any action. This quote is suitable for me as I always love to procrastinate. Most of friends are moving fast but I'm moving just like a turtle. Hahaha... Without my family support, I wouldn't have what I have for now. He took me to the NAPEI exhibition to open up my mind and in my heart I was saying 'lazy lar, later need to work some more'. That was a Sunday, A Sabbath Day. After an hour of collecting brochures, we left and I proceeded back to my workplace. I carried a large Taylor's College plastic bag to my workplace. I was supposed to go through it during my working hours. Guess what??? Hahaha... I didn't. As usual, lazy ma..... (plenty of excuses)
My dad went through those brochures and came across with the IMU scholarship application details. Wow... Alot of money given .. In my mind, Haiya...cannot wan lar.. Somemore have to write an Essay on Why I want to be A Nurse for 1500 words and an Essay on Why I need th Scholarship. With my english standard, I freaked out lar. I wasn't determined enough to write the essay. At the time, all I thought is IMPOSSIBLE..... *afraid* Of all these years I have been writing essay (I should be able to do it) but all I had in mind was just fear. Besides, I got to know about the scholarship quite late. So I have only one week to complete it . And I was working at the same time. Waaaaaaa....... (almost cried)
Well, after a week with all the struggles writing an essay, I DID IT. Without my loved ones supporting me, I know I wouldn't be able to get through this. They have prayed day and night for God's covering over me. They also read my essay and Jon even edited my grammatical errors.. hahahaha... (Now I regret not blogging earlier, have to tell whole story) Then, I went to IMU to send my application forms and spoke to one of the Senior Executive of Student Affairs for more information on the Scholarship. Hahaha.... I almost fell asleep. All because the night before, I slept at 5am and woke up at 7am. Two hours of sleep, not enough ma. Then, she said 'Are you listening to me?'. I was embarassed. eeesshhh.... My dad said if she is not concentrating, she doesn't deserve the scholarship. *sarcastic* At the moment, I thought my chances to be shortlisted is low. So careless man!
A week has passed. My dad was too anxious and called up the person in charge again. She said I am shortlisted for the interview. I received a call from my dad... He said do you want the scholarship badly? I was like.... I didn't get is it? Then, he said No. I was like.... huh??? I got it ah??? I was overwhelmed, too happy. I lost my senses at the moment. I messaged Jon about it. Hahaha.... He was happy for me. I was too.... Well, all happy la... My essay got through...
Then, I went for the interview feeling nervous and blurred too. I wasn't prepared and all I did was a short prayer. Everyone was praying for me. That's sufficient for me to stay strong and not being nervous. After half an hour of interview, I came out with a heavy sigh *sigh*. Finally, I finished the race for now and I can rest in peace. (not die ah, just resting) I didn't really wait for the results as I leave everything according to God's will. Just keep praying.......
Then, IPTA results came out and I was accepted for Computer Science in USM. I was wondering whether I should go Penang or wait for the scholarship results. Sigh......... Wait again......
Finally, IMU called me to inform me that the scholarship results is available. They said I got it. I was like .... huh??? (blurred again) Wow...... That's the only thing I said... And Thank you so so much~!!!!! I called my dad and he can't contained joy. Too HAPPY!!!!!.Hahaha.... I called my koh koh, he was slightly too cold .... *shiver* but I know he was happy for me too.. He said Praise God and give all glory to Him. Yeah... Amen!!! My mum heard the news, she practically hugged me.. Wow... *touched*
Haiya... finish story lar.. no ending wan ... hahaha... anyway, this is how God showers me with His Blessing. I will not fail to seek Him to build my personal relationship with Him. Thank you Jesus. I love you so so so so so so so much, JESUS!!!
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Soft Acoustic With Ethereal Blend
Hey, I'm a new user obviously if you have just visited my blog. Basically, I'm still exploring around what's all about blogging. Well, the lyrics below are my favourite childhood songs. One day, I went into a Christian Book store, Salvation in Subang Parade with my parents when I was 10 or 11 years old (I can't remember..XP) . I was walking around the shop till I got closer to the cashier. Guess what?????? Cheap cassettes.. very cheap.. One cassette only cost RM1.90, hahaha... It was closed-out cassettes. Well, cheap things do attracts me since I'm kinda stingy in spending. However, never underestimate cheap or closed-out cassette because this cassette that I bought is more than it's worth. Ta Da!!!! It is Michelle Tumes album named Listen. One of my favourite songs are Healing Waters, Rest My Soul and Feel. Wow.... Hehehehe... I just wanna share my interest.
Title: Rest My Soul
On golden sands, in winer's fire
On silver stars,in tempest skies
In any age or place
Confess the need to say
Rest my soul, rest my eyes
In the peace I long to hold
Be still my dreams, lay beside me and
Oh, rest my soul
Oh, rest my soul
Oh, rest my soul
In kingdom's past and future's page
In love's embrace and hatred's rage
In any age or place Confess the need to say
Chasing folly catches pain
Like being (whispered in backround)
Caught in the wind of ahurricane (sang)
There we fly to reckless depths of shame
Title: Healing Waters
All of my strength cannot cross over
I stand at the edge
The end of a road that I have followed
Sinking from the weight of my own world
Wanting the waves of Your ways to wash my feet
Healing waters
Healing waters
Solace flows
Through the river of forgiveness to my soul
Oh, I need You
Healing waters
Pour over me
Water to clean all my intentions
Baptising streams
I swim in the freedom of redemption
Floating on the sea of purity
Knowing I can dive in the love that rescues me
Memories are raging high
Floods so deep they touch the sky
All the things I've done to You
All the parts of life untrue
Healing comes from outstretched hands
Saving me from what I am
Carry me
Carry me
Title: Feel
Swiftly weaving over your soul
Bless the surge of thunder
Rolling onto your shore
Greet the deep emotion
That sleeps beneath the ocean floor
Watch elation bound
Release its furious roar
Feel! Feel! Feel! Feel what you long to
Feel! Feel! Feel! Feel what you long to feel
Pound the sands of courage
Reach for clouds that cover the foam
Dance with bold expression
Leaping from silent abodes
Face the wild commotion
Free restraint and struggle no more
Let the moon raise all that
Dwells in the tides of your core
Weep, sigh, laugh, cry
Flee from the snares that wish to deny how you feel
Hope, live, love, yearn
And feel, feel what you long to